GraphicRiver Flyer Bundle 10580102
CMYK Color | 300 DPI | 7×4 Inches | Print Ready | SUPER EASY to EDIT and Layers Well Organized
Sale Page
All Star Weekend http://graphicriver.net/item/all-star-weekend/10488985
Dance Music Awards http://graphicriver.net/item/dance-music-awards/10297430
The Golden Awards Flyer http://graphicriver.net/item/the-golden-awards-flyer/10289462
VIP Birthday Flyer Template http://graphicriver.net/item/vip-birthday-flyer-template/10158634
The Golden Awards http://graphicriver.net/item/the-golden-awards/10152583
Drink Party http://graphicriver.net/item/drink-party/10183807
The .psd file is well organised. Every element has its own folder with a specific name so it
is very easy to find and edit. All psd files with a size of 7×4 inch with .25 inch bleed and a resolution of 300 dpi. The
color space is CMYK, and it’s ready to be printed. Used only free fonts.
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